
Support for Carers

If you are a carer for a friend or family member, you may need extra support to help you stay on track with your studies. This could take the form of practical support and advice such as assignment extensions, or emotional support such as counselling.

The disability and wellbeing team have good links with suffolk family carers and suffolk young adult carers. We will be able to direct you to relevant specialist support, groups and events which may help you in your caring role. 

We know that caring for a friend or family member can be extremely rewarding, however we recognise that it can also be emotionally and physically tiring, particularly if you are juggling it with other responsibilities such as work and education. It is for this reason that we recommend you check in with a member of the wellbeing team at least once per term.

We also understand that as a carer, things can change at short notice, which may affect your attendance and study plans. If something unexpected happens, there is an extenuating circumstances policy in place which will enable you to apply for extensions to assignment work. Your adviser can help you make an application if needed.

If you will need to leave class at short notice or if you may arrive late due to caring responsibilities, your wellbeing adviser can help you talk to tutors about your caring role and how this may affect your studies.